Beating the Spike
“Here is a stunning first-hand account of a non medically trained individual who recently became infected. He took it upon himself to find a cure. Using a number of readily available supplies, and his courage and intelligence, he and his wife recovered from a very scary situation.
This was accomplished without the help of medical resources and expenses.”
As told by Robert R.:
“After a 3 hour visit into a border town in Mexico called New Progresso with friends, we all began to get Flu like symptoms. I began a a sinus infection with a headache going to the back of my head within a couple hours of returning home. That evening I also got a sore throat and began to feel weak and tired. All I wanted to do was sleep all the time. Within a couple days I began to hurt in my back just below the middle on the left side of my spine. A focal point was in my left lung at the bottom. I started taking Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and z-pak (Azithromycin) when I felt this coming on. I took:
200mg Hydroxychloroquine, daily
6 mg Ivermectin, daily
500 mg Z-pak (Azithromycin) one daily
I was on my own during the day and my wife was available to help me in the evenings. I ate very little and drank very little because I was so sick and sleeping so much. My wife started to get sick on Saturday about four days after myself. She came home from work after half a day and went straight to bed. I was very very sick then with infected and clogged sinuses, low grade fever from 100 to 102 at night and sometimes during the day. We both hurt in our middle to lower back and our throat stopped being sore.
After about seven to eight days of being very sick and looking at how sick my wife was I told her it was time to do something different, because what we were doing was not working. I got up and found my colloidal silver generator and made ½ gallon of appx. 50,000 ppm colloidal silver and I got my nebulizer and started to inhale the colloidal silver and drink 2 oz of it every hour.
I got my injectable penicillin 800,000 iu out and the syringes with 23G x 25MM needle and mixed the liquid with the powder and pulled up in the syringe the mixture and gave myself and my wife a shot in the butt cheek. I have been doing my own shots for years. I personally quit depending on the ‘medical mafia’ 35 years ago. Learning to give yourself and others shots and some medical skills may save your life or one of your loved ones. It’s never too late to start learning (take a crash course).
We each took one shot per day but now I would do one every 12 hours or 2 per day until fever and chills were gone for 2 days. You might be able to take the penicillin 500 mg capsules but I have not tried that. I know the 800,000 iu shot will do a good job so that is what I used.
The Nebulizer: I would recommend that every home have two nebulizers from now on. Battery operated is best, but harder to find. When we started nebulizing the colloidal silver we began getting better faster. We also started using MMS or miracle mineral supplement at 3 drops of activated MMS per 4 oz of distilled water.
We drank those 4 ounces hourly times 8 daily. We also mixed Hydrogen Peroxide 3% at 2 Tablespoons per 16 oz water with 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Sea salt in a separate bottle. Our old nebulizer stopped working and we could not find one. So I had the following:
1. Colloidal Silver Water 64 oz more or less. I used in nebulizer and drank a 4 oz glass each day. I made more as we needed it.
2. Miracle Mineral Supplement 1 Quart mixed 24 drops activated (drink 4 oz of the mix during the day every hour for 8 hours. Your will have to make more each day and extra to nebulize.
3. Hydrogen Peroxide 16 oz bottle to use in nebulizer.
I mixed 2 oz of each of the three above mixtures in a separate bottle to be used in my nebulizer and I added Eucalyptus Essential oil drops to the mixture at about 6 drops. I also added Lugol’s Solution Iodine at about six drops to the mixture.
We began nebulizing this mixture about six times a day. Within a couple of hours we started to feel better but within two days our nebulizer broke and we got on the phone and computer and started to try and find one to buy. All drug stores in a 125-mile area here were out and we were also advised it took a doctor’s prescription to purchase one due to changes from the Biden Admin. Online we were able to order one from a medical supply company we found by doing a search for nebulizers. We ordered two nebulizers and 12 masks for the nebulizers. As luck would have it my sister had just got one two weeks before and brought it to us, so we only lost two days of nebulizing but we sure started getting sick again without the nebulizing.
After we started again within 2 hours, we could feel the difference.
We also had Budesonid, so we also would nebulize. We did not have much and it requires a prescription and costs around $25, per pack of 5 ampules. So, I would do like 6 drops in the nebulizer each time we did the nebulizer.
1. Vitamin “C” 3000 mg daily or more if you do not get loose stool. If you do just back off a little on the dose.
2. Vitamin D-3 10,000 iu daily
3. Zinc 50mg per day +
4. Omega 3-6-9 2 per day
5. Vitamin E 184 mg with selenium 50mcg
6. Potassium 100mg daily and if cramps I took 2 or doubled up.
7. Magnesium Citrate 200mg daily
8. I took a homemade colon cleanser also daily to keep my waste (sickness) moving out of my body. Very important.
9. NAC N-Acetyl L-Cysteine 600 mg daily
10. Shilajit 10 to 1 extract 1 daily
11. Oil of Oregano gel cap 1500 mg 1 daily (broad spectrum herb)
12. Humic/Fulvic acid capsule (homemade) 1 per day 750 mg
13. Liver support, carditone formula (homemade) 750 mg capsules 1 daily
14. B- Complex 1 capsule per day
15. Selenium 200mcg tablet 1 a day
16. Folate 600mcg
17. GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid) 750 mg 1 daily
18. Brain formula (Homemade) 750 mg 1 daily
19. Iodine, best is Lugol’s ratio
Nursing required: All the above is what I did and did for my wife. I am 71 she is 51. I would not go to a hospital as that was not an option so I had to heal us. When people are sick, they require 24 hr attention to monitor temperature. You need to monitor Blood Oxygen levels. They need the nebulizer filled and cleaned after each treatment. They must be fed and helped to the bathroom if needed. Clean up any vomit or if they soil the bed or sheets. The house and room should be sanitized with Lysol spray and wiped or wiped with a water and bleach solution or Hydrogen Peroxide Solution.
Click on this image to watch the compelling music video, This Has Gotta Stop, by Grammy award winning singer-songwriter Eric Clapton of Cream fame.
This needs to be done daily and I wipe toilet handles and seats, I spray Lysol in all garbage cans and I keep a trash can by their bed for them to put the paper towels they blow their nose in or spit phlegm into. That’s why you spray all trash cans. I spray and wipe all door knobs out and inside of house, all faucets in kitchen and bathrooms, all light switches and all refrigerator handles and any other appliance. I also sprayed Lysol in the a/c return air filter. I try and spray the room the sick are in when they get up to use the restroom and the restroom also.
Treatment Tips: If one person gets sick and a week or so another in the house gets sick if you do not separate and isolate then you may keep reinfecting each other. Food and water are important and it is hard to keep quality and quantity there. Especially when very sick with no taste, no appetite and everything tastes bad. We had my sister bring a chicken caldo which is a Spanish chicken soup with potatoes, carrots, celery, squash, onions, garlic and lots of herbs and spices and chicken broth. They do the same with beef. You must get some down as often as you can.
I craved ice cream and ate a bunch and it gave me energy and kept me charged. I never drink cold drinks but I drank the hell out of sprite with lots of ice all the time. When my taste came back so did the water and out went the soft drinks.
From start to finish it took 21 days to get back my get up and go. I consider myself a very healthy 71 year old male with very few issues health wise. I am a very informed and stay up on everything I can going on around me. Especially matters of health and political survival. I can tell you I contracted the sickness from a doctor and his receptionist who had taken the JAB the day before.
The receptionist was very sick and working nearby . He had his mask down below his chin. I and my friend shook hands with him and gave him a hug and spoke a few minutes and left. We went back after lunch to say so long. Then we discovered he had taken his second Jab and his secretary had just taken her first. We at once got up and left. That was the point of our exposure from two Vaxxed people and one being a stupid doctor. Two weeks later the non swab antigen test confirmed my wife and I were then positive.
“Upon Reflection:
These initial dosages were inadequate according to current recommendations from the American Front Line doctors.. Robert should have taken about 33 mg of the Ivermectin by mouth every 48 hours for four times and then set it aside for a couple weeks to decide if another course would be indicated.
The HydroxyChloroquin should have been at 200mg two times a day for a couple weeks, then stop and re-assess for a follow up course in couple weeks. And the Z pack for five days would also be re assessed if needed to repeat.
This more aggressive initial response might have lessened the severity of Robert’s reaction, and shortened his recovery time.
Many experienced clinicians are as yet unfamiliar with these treatment guidelines, so Robert came very close in his guesstimate and possibly saved his life and that of his spouse.
Additional Links:
Here is the ‘Suramin Cure’…a homemade Quinine Soup demonstrated by a respected Canadian Chef, This presenter has some segments with “salty” language, but for the practical aspects, please watch to the end. Also, here are two blog articles with information links to further understand these materials and their uses. Also, here are some useful NaturoDoc writings., Second Thoughts and Mitochondrial Health.