Fear Not, Get to Work
We have been here before many times. At least, many readers of this blog have. Swine Flu is today’s threat du jour for the global industry of disease management. Ingrid Naiman has articulated this very well in her articles re-posted here. Our experience has proven that there are a many great ways to build or break down the amazing human immune system.
Not only are the man-made variants of viral fragments not much cause for your fear, but even the unscientific and more dangerous vaccines foisted upon your loved ones can be realistically protected from and even recovered from, if not altogether avoided. Using (un)common sense , many great natural remedies that are all around you. With the info highway and some virtual wheels to roll on it, you can still enjoy a healthy and comfortable life.
Our immune systems have a far tougher job dealing with the effects of negative emotions in our life. Fearing fear itself? Okay, that’s bad, but fearing the fear-mongers and profiteers from human misery? Now we’re talking some real goosebumps for those with the eyes to see it. How about the real killers of our people, like the crushing feelings of humiliation and despair from being unable to provide for your loved ones; the fear and sadness of knowing only the material world and watching your economic world melt down before your eyes.
These are very disturbing times for many of us without the support of loving and strong families or valuable productive occupations to rely on. Sprinkle on disappointments with ourselves and others, and daily life can become sad and risky. So, what is the best protection from these negative emotions, including fear?
That’s a great question, and you are blessed to even get to the point where you ask it. Our ancestors have put many centuries of thought into similar basic questions. Why not read an ancient philosopher or two? I’m working on my answer for me, and you are the only one qualified to answer that for yourself.
Please learn to read between the lines of these fear-mongers and media spinmeisters. Many of us notice that the methods of achieving and maintaining excellent health are not hidden and, in fact, are expanding every day. All the bad people who don’t wish us well because it just isn’t profitable enough are starting to tick me off. I don’t know about you, but if someone is really trying to get me scared, I just don’t want to give them the satisfaction of doing so.
We all get to live the life we have created, to enjoy or dislike the health of our bodies, the ideas and thoughts in our minds, the quality of our relationships and labor. This modern fear industry is run by miserable souls who get to wake up and live inside a mind with the mental peace ratio of a slasher flick. I’m so glad not to be there with them. Just Say No, and don’t participate in that dark reality. Show your friends and family by example that you can look past these pathetic tricks.
Read, learn, and listen from the many teachers who have brought you knowledge and products that will help you make your world a better place. If something really works for you, share it with those you care for. Let’s get a few viruses of our own going here. I doubt if a Swine Flu virus could keep up with you and your friends kicking out some viral good vibes.
There is time enough for fun, love, and health for all of us, and the more you share, the more you have. Luckily for us, the good stuff in life is really contagious.