Iodine & Thyroid Diagnosis

After attending a recent naturopathic seminar devoted to advances in our understanding of the thyroid, I became aware of some important resources for my patients and friends. There are now better methods to test a person’s nutrient status for iodine and the metabolism of their thyroid gland.

We have become appreciative of whole thyroid supplementation for many situations, and the Lugol’s Solution form of iodine supplementation again for many purposes, including family protection from some forms of radioactive fallout.

Unfortunately, in both of these situations, iodine status and thyroid function are quite complex, involving a person’s unique, changing physiology and their environmental and dietary realities. Thus far, many doctors including myself have had to “guesstimate” these dose ranges because laboratory analysis has been inconvenient, expensive, and not very accurate. Patients avoid these stresses, especially in the current economic climate. This makes accurate monitoring difficult.

Since these wonderful natural medicines are powerful and economical, we are increasingly aware that they can be overused and also cause stress or difficulty to the body we are trying to help.

There is now available a home test kit called the Comprehensive Elements Thyroid Profile that takes two dried urine samples and a blood spot sample to more accurately tune in to the thyroid metabolism and need for supplemental iodine. This test is more convenient and useful in terms of the information it provides to the doctor. The expense is still high, but it bypasses the cost of a doctor’s visit or two, thus saving you money and time. Read about it and decide if your personal health condition would suggest a need for closer understanding of these important issues.


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