Lugol’s vs Nascent Iodine
I have a question: Lugol’s iodine is recommended as part of a protocol for “Traveling in Japan,” and to be honest, we have some at home that is 7% rather than 5%, but I felt it would be easier to take the recommended dose if I got your iodine. I have read up on iodine online but found the differing opinions confusing. Plus, I became worried about taking too much, although people like Mark Sircus (whose magnesium book we have) seem to think it’s okay to take a lot.
I’ve never had my thyroid checked (though I think that the body temperature test you can do yourself sounds best, as even if you are just slightly off the ideal temperature then it seems your thyroid is an issue). I suspect I may have an underactive thyroid, as I have cold hands and feet quite a bit; I’m slim, though. It concerned me that some people seem to think that if your thyroid is normal, taking too much iodine can create a thyroid issue when before there was none! Surely, though, if you have an underactive thyroid, then iodine (of the right type) can only be beneficial.
Lastly, I think you may sell it too, but my partner is keen to use nascent atomic iodine while in Japan. He seems to think its superior to Lugol’s iodine. I said to him that it probably would have been recommended on your NaturoDoc Blog in that case.
I wonder whether you can clarify any of the above? I apologize in advance that although I’m sure you are very knowledgeable, I appreciate that this may/may not be your role to answer the kind of questions I’m asking. Also, if I seem a bit inconsistent it is in part that I have a brain injury from when I was young, and as a consequence I tend to get hung up on details plus other difficulties in completing tasks. Also, the more I’ve read about radiation–the stuff they don’t print in newspapers–the more alarming facts I’ve uncovered. I’m actually going to Japan, as my partner was invited by a Reiki institute in Kyoto to spend some time there.