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Radioactive Exposure Risks

Let’s take it easy here.  Okay, the decline and fall of Western civilization, the approaching extinction of so many beautiful species (and the not-always-beautiful ones like humans) are easy subjects to be frightened by.  But fear itself is an expensive commodity. Like energy, we can do more with less of it if we use our brains.  Concern, caution, and vigilance can move us to sensible action and beyond the powerless corners that panic tends to throw us into.

For the scientific minds and caregivers out there seeking specific knowledge on these biochemical and nutrient based medicines, I suggest that you search for and read everything about this by these writers:  Dr. Mark Sircus, Dr. David Brownstein, Ingrid Naiman, Dr. John W. Gofman, and Dr. Michael B. Schachter.

Also, by subscribing to the newsletters at, and the International Medical Veritas Association, you will rapidly get immersed in the current of ideas from many prolific thinkers.

One problem many of us hit pretty quickly now is information overload.  There are too many words, with small distinctions that are well argued but not easy to gauge the importance of.  With all the mainstream media coverage and selected “authorities” quoted, one can easily feel overwhelmed.

Here are some basic ideas for protection using nutrients, herbs, and common sense.  Inform yourself everywhere you find reasonable knowledge and products.  Train your common sense, discernment, and skills at building supportive relationships.  With so much going on that we have no knowledge of or control over, these abilities you do have to influence and teach others are becoming more valuable by the hour.

Why the talk about medicines for radiation poisoning?  Because isotopes of metal can get out of the reactor and get into a body where they look a lot like a regular nutrient.  Once your healthy body has noticed that some yummy potassium just showed up, it puts it into the bones, nerves, and muscles that need it the most.  Oops, it’s really radioactive cesium at the digestion masquerade ball looking like a studly potassium guy.  Or similar masks imitate zinc, iodine, or other good guys.

So you can handle some nutrient deficiencies here and there;  we all do.  But if the radioactive guys are in the neighborhood, we don’t want our family to have deficiencies of the minerals they imitate.  That makes their immune system be a doormat for whichever heavy metal comes courting.  Iodine and potassium are big players in protection from isotopes of plutonium, cesium, and others.  Let’s review the common sources of these.

Most iodine supplements used in medicine for the past century and a half are from Lugol’s Iodine Solution, usually 5 percent.

This is a mixture of elemental iodine and potassium iodide that approximates the ratio of these found in sea vegetables and which is easiest for our tissues to absorb and handle.  Other forms of iodine have been found to be shorter-acting and even easier to absorb.  The brand called Nascent Iodine is good for that and has an important role for very sensitive and/or very deficient people.

Nutrients that come in as food concentrates can help overcome deficiencies if they have time to work.  The most absorbable are from foods.  The most powerful recipes of absorbable nutrients are herbal medicines, and for these purposes, the most protective types of herbal medicines are called “adaptogens.”  In all your spare time search the web for adaptogen herbs and make a chart to understand and source what you would like for you.  If you have a genius research associate to delegate this task to, also known as a 6th or 7th grader in the family, put them to it.

I would suggest that three with broad appeal and availability would be Rhodiola, Astragalus formulations, and Ashwaganda.

When your research staff produces a comparative study of these, consider adding their use to your family nutrition possibly several times a year for a month or two depending on what you face.

After your group has figured out iodine, food supplements, and adaptive herbals, study the better air filters and water filtration methods available to you.  These are also areas where good news abounds.  Take the best ideas and attitudes for your benefit, and sidestep the fearmongers around us.  We have ancestors who by definition survived very tough times.  Some of us will make it through these tough times too.  Keep your spirits up and share what you figure out