Thoughts on Sublingual EDTA

Repairing Cardiovascular Damage

Here are some more thoughts and references about Sublingual EDTA. What it is and why we like it.

by Thomas S Lee, NMD

A great detoxifier of the cardiovascular system is sublingual EDTA Chelation therapy is well-respected, but the news here is that by taking EDTA under the tongue and holding it there for a few minutes, more of it gets absorbed into the blood than if it is taken as an oral pill. Sublingual absorption of EDTA is not as effective as an intravenous (IV) drip, but approximately 40-45 percent of this EDTA gets into the blood through the mucous membranes of the mouth. Suppositories are shown to be somewhat more effective than sublingual, but compliance is far less likely except for briefly.

Sublingual EDTA Benefits

The benefits in terms of cost and convenience of sublingual EDTA are significant. The standard protocol for certified IV chelation therapy  consists of three sessions, each of which takes about three hours every week.

This puts about 9 grams of EDTA into the about 9 grams of EDTA into the bloodstream per week. A typical cardiovascular repair strategy is to have three sessions a week for 2-3 months. This costs between $260-$320 USD per week and takes over 9 hours in your doctor’s office.

Even at that expense and time, IV Chelation therapy is far safer and more affordable than most emergency heart operations. However, the emergency response could be a life saver for a real emergency. Always work with the best Cardiologist you can access in an emergency! Do Have a Heart and Be Smart!

Many of us can’t afford the time and money of IV chelation, but we do value its preventive medical benefits.  Use this pure EDTA powder as a simple scoop held under the tongue and swished around for 10 minutes twice a day. That 14 grams a week gets about 6-1/2 grams of EDTA into your bloodstream, at a fraction of the cost of IV chelation therapy.

  • Dr. Garry Gordon assembled these references, more is available on his excellent website here.

  • Here we are surprisingly noticed that …Doctors Despise EDTA ChelationBut Science Supports Its Use, read more here.

  • EDTA Chelation Effectiveness Challenges Doubting Cardiologists, read here.

If your Cardiologists or specialists claim that chelation therapy is “unscientific”, compared to the usual drugs and surgeries, please print these references out and ask which one they have problems with. Remember it is your Heart, and you are the Boss. We all benefit if more health professionals are better informed about this affordable sublingual chelation therapy.




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