Cleansing: Why, When, and How

By Thomas Stearns Lee, NMD

It seems like everyone wants to “cleanse” these days.  Are we all just dirtier or is a cleanse just a normal healthy thing to do to keep us healthy?  The ancient cultures all seem to have regular times and procedures to practice cleansing.  These have been found to help their people stay healthy and live long.

This article provides some ideas on what cleansing is and how to do it safely and effectively.  Some of the more powerful cleansing materials involve risk of discomfort or illness if they are not dosed well or timed right, so be careful.

Most elements of a healthy life are well known, if controversial:  regular exercise, a healthy diet, regular elimination, supportive relationships, etc.  How many of us compromise with some of these in order to keep the others going?  Probably most of us.

So why bother with a cleanse?  Because it will help us balance and rebuild to a more comfortable and capable state of health.  The basic principle is that we want to gently open the normal channels of elimination.  Then, use cleansing herbs and minerals which will support that normal cleansing and catabolism for more efficient elimination.

Your next step is to visit the better health food stores where you can browse.  I’ll mention a few things here, but look at their formula medicines or single herb references, and put together a few trials for yourself to see how these feel.  Soon you will have an idea of how these work and feel, and you can try more ambitious projects.

Real health is a balance of many functions.  Building and breakdown or anabolism and catabolism are going on in all of us all the time.  Just as our bodies need nutrients, they must eliminate waste.  Both sides of metabolism require our energy in order to maintain life.  A popular myth is that when we are sick and exhausted, we need to cleanse away our toxic debris.

Wrong.  A cleanse can be dangerous and painful in these times.  Wait until there is some energy, free time, and distance from stress.  Then, design a good program to fit you, your strength, finances, time, and experience.  If you are elderly, ill, or otherwise seriously challenged, proceed very slowly if at all, with intervals of strengthening, calm routines, nurturing, and repair in between.

A beginning for a gentle cleanse would be to take several days using an herbal tea mix to work on your blood and lymph system.  Mix equal parts of Red Clover, Chaparral, and Burdock Root.  Boil 1 Tbsp. of this mix per cup for 5 minutes, steep for 15 minutes, strain, and add honey to taste.  Take 3 or 4 cups of this daily for 3 days.

Next, increase the water you drink by taking frequent small drinks.  Add a bulking fiber blend to the water three times a day, including things like beet root, and cascara sagrada, with oat and rice brans or psyllium seed husks.  There are many products and systems to compare, so use common sense and start all your trials slowly.  You are the only judge in all this, and the best approach is one which is affordable and comfortable for you.

Another cleansing formula is called Trifala.  This is an Ayurvedic formula from ancient India, and it has been known to be effective as a tonic and cleanser there for many centuries.  After a week on the bulking herbs, shift over to Trifala, at 2 pills or 1 tsp. in water after each meal for a couple weeks.

Your diet through these times should include high-fiber foods and fresh fruits and vegetables, with a good 30% as protein foods.  As you have perhaps heard, fasting can bring about many changes, but it is not always the best choice for cleansing.  The cleansing process takes a lot of energy, as we have mentioned, and fasting can push your metabolism into a slowdown to conserve energy.  This is to say that you could catch a cold or feel very weak for a while after the fast.

After you have completed the cleanse, it is important that you return to your normal diet slowly.  Your senses will be sharper, and your digestion stronger, so don’t be alarmed if you gain back most of any weight you might have lost.  You will notice many ways that you feel better, and that is better than most medicines could claim.  You will also have learned quite a bit about what works for you.


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