Homeopathic Travelers Kit

From the New England School of Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies have been proven effective for hundreds of years.  Consult with a physician trained in homeopathic medicine to determine the best dosage ranges and manufacturers.  (NaturoDoc can help you with this.)

The following group of homeopathic remedies would comprise an ideal first-aid kit for travelers.

Arnica For wounds and contusions. Arsenicum For vomiting or diarrhea and fever, often with anxiety, chills, and restlessness. Belladonna For sudden high fever with flushed face (and often cold extremities). Bryonia For headache or bronchitis or diarrhea with pain which is much worse from slight motion (coughing, jarring, etc.). Camphor For diarrhea with sensation of icy coldness yet aversion to being covered. Croton tiglium For diarrhea, bleeding, and fever. Cuprum For diarrhea with cramps. Mercurius For diarrhea with fever and salivation. Nux Vomica For nausea, upset stomach, fullness, and coldness in stomach. Podophyllum For diarrhea with a lot of gas (explosive diarrhea). Rhus tox For diarrhea with back and muscle pains and tremendous restlessness. Sulphur For very offensive diarrhea and rectal itching. Veratrum album For diarrhea and vomiting.

These remedies in a 6C or 12X dilution would be helpful in a first-aid context.

The “Simillimum” (the ideal remedy for an individual’s vital force) can only be found by accurately recording the individual symptoms of the patient, and then consulting repertories, Materia Medicae, or differential lists.  As in all serious health conditions, a physician trained in homeopathy should be consulted.


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