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Surgery Protocol & Support

Part 1: Surgery Protocol I

Adapted from Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.

Are you facing or have you recently had surgery?  The following supplement routine will promote quicker, stronger, and less painful healing.

For 1 month before surgery, and 6 weeks afterwards, take:

Vitamin C,
1,000 mg twice daily

Promotes healing of connective tissue.

Zinc (picolinate),
30 mg once daily Recommended:  Nature’s Life™ brand, with 2 mg. copper per capsule. Vitamin B12 and folic acid, as directed Recommended:  Vitamin B12/Folate from Vital Nutrients

Immediately before and after surgery, take:

Bromelain capsules — Take 3, three times a day on empty stomach for 2 days before and 10 days after surgery.

Bromelain lessens swelling and inflammation by “digesting away” tissue debris.  Studies show shorter healing times.  We suggest Thorne Research™ brand or equivalent.

As soon as possible after surgery, take:

Arnica Montana, 30C 4 pellets under the tongue every 1-3 hours. Zinc, Vitamin B12, and folate All specifically stimulate growth of DNA for formulation of new cells.

Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola) — 250 mg, 2 capsules twice daily

Many research studies on healing after surgery have shown that Gotu Kola shortens the healing time and strengthens the healed tissue.

Multiple vitamin/mineral supplement, 3 capsules twice daily Recommended:  BioEnhance from Life Enhancement

The best nutritional supplement powders to mix into a liquid diet if that is necessary is ImmunoPro Rx, a biologically active protein for immune support.  It is 100% complete and can be used as much and as long as necessary.

Part 2: Protocol II

By Alan R. Gaby, M.D.

Purpose:  To increase the rate of healing following surgery and to minimize the formation of scars and adhesions.

Nutrients that promote healing include Vitamin C, zinc, copper, Vitamin A, and B-complex vitamins.

Nutrients that reduce scar formation or adhesions include Vitamin E and flavonoids.  Vitamin E alone inhibited wound healing in one study, but that

 effect was reversed by addition of Vitamin A.  In another study, Vitamin E alone accelerated wound healing.

Individuals who follow this program of supplementation before and after surgery typically heal much more quickly than normal, with less pain and swelling and fewer complications.

Suggested Program

Begin this program 2 weeks prior to surgery and continue it for 4 weeks after surgery.  Take:

  • High-potency (“4-tablet-a-day”) multiple vitamin and mineral supplement (including Vitamin K), plus:

  • Vitamin C, 1,000 mg, 2-3 times a day

  • Vitamin E, 400 IU/day

  • Vitamin A, 25,000 IU/day

  • Zinc (picolinate or citrate), 30 mg/day

  • Copper, 2 mg/day

  • Flavonoids:
    —  Citrus bioflavonoids, 500-1,000 mg., 2-3 times a day;  or
    —  “Herbal Flavonoids” (this product from Enzymatic Therapy™ contains flavonoids from various fruit skins), 2-3 capsules per day;  or
    —  Centella asiatica (Gotu Kola standardized extract), 2 capsules twice daily (Cel-U-Var™, Enzymatic Therapy™ or equivalent product).

  • Proteolytic enzymes are recommended to reduce inflammation and swelling at the surgical site.  Choices include:
    —  Pancreatin, 1,400 mg, 2-3 capsules, 3 times a day;  or
    —  Bromelain (2,000 mcu/g), 250 mg, 2-3 capsules, 3 times a day.

Enzymes should be started as soon as possible after surgery and continued for one week.  The dosage may be reduced by half after the first 3 days.  Enzymes work best when taken on an empty stomach.

Part 3: Recovery

By Robert M. Myers, ND

It is important for optimal healing and prevention of complications to have all of your bodily systems functioning as best they can.  For ideal repair of damaged tissue, it is essential that cellular nutritional status be at a maximum level.

The following is a basic guide to help ensure that you are ready for surgery and the recovery process.  Try to begin as soon as you know you will be undergoing an operation.


General good nutrition is important always, but especially before and after surgery.  Avoid known food allergies, sugar, and other refined carbohydrates, artificial additives, caffeine, fried foods, and hydrogenated oils.  All of these substances can promote the formation of free radicals, which inhibit good cellular repair.

Be sure to drink plenty of good pure water, taking into account medical advice concerning any special need you may have.

Adequate protein intake is essential for tissue repair.  A minimum of 50 grams a day and as much as 100 grams a day of protein may be necessary, depending on the surgery you will have.  Good-quality protein may be obtained from eggs, dairy products, fish, soy products, and protein powder formulas.

Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits provide essential nutrients as well as providing bulk to decrease the problem of constipation.  Generally, as much of these may be eaten as you like, and certainly a minimum of 3-5 servings of vegetables and 1-2 servings of fruit a day should be eaten.


It is important to accept that the surgery you are about to have is your best option at the present time.  As such, the more comfortable you are with it, and even thankful that this option is available, the better you will do during and after the procedure.

Before Surgery

I.  Supplements

To be taken with food unless otherwise stated:

Vitamin C 2,000 mg 4 times a day Vitamin A 40,000 IU Once per day (without vitamin D ) Vitamin E 800 IU Once per day Vitamin B Complex 25 mg 1 tablet, twice a day Vitamin K 200 mcg Once per day Zinc citrate 15 mg 2 times a day Folic acid 800 mcg 3 times a day

II.  Specialty Products

Ligamendon 2 tablets 3 times a day VPB tablets 2 tablets 3 times a day Adrenal Plus Tablets 2 tablets 3 times a day (best on an empty stomach)

III.  Homeopathic Remedies

To be taken under tongue with no food or flavors in the mouth for 15 minutes before or afterwards.  Unless otherwise stated, the dose is 4-5 pellets of a 30C potency.

Arnica One dose three times a day the day of surgery. Phosphorus One dose just before surgery. Aconite As needed for fear just before surgery.

After Surgery

I.  Nutrition

In general, continue the good diet you had before your operation as you are able.

II.  Supplements

Continue the supplements you were taking at the same dosage, except for the following changes:

Vitamin K Cut in half after 4 days.  Continue that for a week, then stop. Vitamin A Decrease to 20,000 IU once per day after 1 week.

Continue supplements for 3-5 weeks after surgery.

III.  Specialty Products

Continue the previously prescribed products for four weeks, then include the following:

Prodophilus 1/2 tsp. in water 2 times a day (on an empty stomach)

IV.  Homeopathics

Begin taking the following as soon as possible after surgery:

Arnica One dose every hour for 6 doses, then every 12 hours for 7 days. Traumeel One tab every 1/2 hour for 6 doses, then every 3 hours for 6 days.

Part 4: Support

Naturopathic physicians are not presently trained or licensed to perform major surgical procedures.  We refer our patients to the most skillful surgeons when they need these procedures.

Naturopaths do appreciate the value of skillful surgery and can do much increase their success by using naturopathic medicine to complement surgical procedures.  The articles in this section contain some effective ways to support a rapid and successful surgical recovery.

Related natural products

Bromelain, high-potency


Vitamin B12/Folate

Zinc Citrate

These products are helpful in treating surgical care complications safely and effectively.