The Orasal Protocol: Stage 4 Cancer

Would you like to hear about a plant based “herbal chemo” that allows your body to kill off cancer cells, is non-toxic and has had an 85% success rate in Stage IV Breast Cancer? 

Every normal cell in our body takes in oxygen from our blood to perform its function. This is called cell respiration or aerobic process and it takes place in the mitochondria. When cells take in Oxygen and perform their functions, a chemical called Adenosine Tri-phosphate (ATP) the vital energy is produced that runs our entire body.

Dr Thomas S Lee’s thoughts on The Orasal Protocol

This OraSal protocol is safe and effective when followed as directed. Also it helps remove some expensive and confusing supplementation that would benefit other conditions and possibly prevent cancer, but would not assist or even lessen the effect of Orasal.

The one month package we present here can be put into place with most home conditions.If you or a loved one face a cancer diagnosis, please do not consider this description a medical diagnosis or treatment advice.  Please work with the most skilled providers you have access to.

Do consider sharing this information with your treatment team and having you all consider a few months of this as an adjunct to what you are using. presently.

I am available as a consultant for implementing this, but important decisions about your health care should be assisted with primary care physicians who know your case and the effects of these powerful natural medicines.

Dr Thomas S Lee, NMD

In 1931 a German physician/scientist, Otto Warburg MD, PhD, received a Nobel prize for proving that all cancer cells use anaerobic metabolism (burn sugar without using oxygen) to produce energy. The problem (for the cancer cell) is that this mechanism is 18 times less efficient than the aerobic (oxygen utilizing) metabolism that our normal cells use. That means the cancer cells need 18 times more sugar than normal cells to grow and prosper.

That being said, it is not possible to eliminate cancer by not eating sugar. The main reason is the brain requires sugar on the same order of urgency as oxygen. Natural sugars in fruits will give the brain the “food” needed.

Salicinium is a natural plant based extract, a complex sugar molecule that is harmless to normal cells in the body because they cannot absorb a “complex glycome”. Because this extract is a complex molecule and not a “free” glucose, it has no impact on the patients’ blood sugar.

Salicinium targets anaerobic cancer cells

The composite Salicinium molecule will only affect anaerobic (cancer) cells destroying the enzymatic “cloak” which allows them to hide from the immune system.

Circulating tumor cells are at the forefront of an ongoing or escalating malignant process. Salicinium affects these cells first, therefore, contributing to halting the spread of malignancy.

Continued use of Salicinium will allow the immune system to steadily attack remaining malignant cells.

This therapy, whether I.V. or oral, should be continued without interruption until testing shows no further indicators of cancer.

  • Salicinium is completely targeted- it will only enter anaerobic cells.

  • Salicinium allows GcMAF to resume operation, greatly increasing the effectiveness of the immune system.

  • Salicinium does not kill the malignant cells- the immune system does.

  • As tissue levels of Salicinium build up more and more cancer cells die.

  • Salicinium is used in the context of an integrative protocol to enhance the effectiveness of other therapies.

Salicinium is a prospective adjunct to orthodox chemotherapy, as neither interferes with function of the other. However, by using Salicinium, the dosage of the chemotherapy can be reduced to a fraction (10%-15%) of the full dose. This is especially true when the chemo drugs are administered in the setting of IPT therapy. This combined type of therapy is dictated by the seriousness and stage of the malignancy.

A study with 350 patients, all with Stage IV cancers. Breast and Prostate cancer showed an 85% success at 4 years out. Traditional chemotherapy has 2.1% success rate at 5 years out.

Another study conducted by HST Global, Inc, found a 75% success rate with Stage IV Breast Cancers.

In addition to treating cancer, Salicinium can be used to treat viruses, bacterial infections, fungus, parasites, and Candida.


Orasal contains the Salicinium molecule in oral form. Orasal has all natural concentrated nutrimental ingredients. It is recommended for use against any disorder involving fermenting or anaerobic cells. The Salicinium molecule interrupts the fermentation process thus enabling your own immune system to destroy those diseased cells. Orasal and the Salicinium molecule it contains are an immune system modulators.

Orasal Usage Instructions

Avoid Supplemental Vitamin C: While taking Orasal, avoid taking high-dose Vitamin C supplements at the same time, whether by injection, IV, or orally. This is because Vitamin C decreases the effective actions of Salicinium. While nutritional supplements of under 500mg daily are probably of no concern, larger amounts seem to lessen the effects of Salicinium, so avoid them during the course of your use of it.



Orasal liquid contains the Salicinium molecule. Orasal has all natural concentrated nutrimental ingredients. It is recommended for use against any disorder, involving fermenting or anaerobic cells.

The Salicinium molecule interrupts the fermentation process thus enabling your own immune system to see and destroy those diseased cells. Orasal and the Salicinium molecule it contains is an immune system modulators


React does exactly what the name implies; it causes an immune reaction by stimulating your immune system. React will replace you own immune globulins. It is recommended for anyone who is fighting a chronic inflammation or infection, or you can take it on a daily basis as a preventative measure. The enzymes and good bacteria are beneficial for you digestion and immune function.


A blend of sodium and potassium bi-carbonate and cesium chloride which has been enteric coated as a capsule containing beadlets also enteric coated.  These persist beyond the stoch acids. Virus, bacteria, fungus, parasites, etc. all need a host and it must be acidic.  After years of research Perfect Balance has discovered the reason for failures to deliver alkalinity to the cell. This being the delivery system by which pH changing carbonates are stored within our tissues. Until now, the only guaranteed method for tissue storage of carbonates has been by intravenous application. Almost 100% of all carbonates ingested orally have been lost to stomach acids.


This pHenomenal is a high pH water concentrate. By removing Hydrogen from the actual water molecule you get reduced water. Drinking the concentrate will raise your pH to an alkaline level by removing uric and lactic acid from your tissues.

Orasal Protocol Chart.jpg

Excerpts from Dr. Burton Goldberg who has been using Salicinium for Cancer Treatment as the Warburg Solution

The effects of using Salicinium on cancer as observed by Dr. Burton Goldberg is changing the electrical capacitance of the cell. These effects are not the same as those produced by pharmaceutical drugs which can be from the drug itself. Effects that occur when taking Salicinium are caused by the body’s own Immune System tranporting necrosing tissues and metabolic wastes out of the body. Below is what patients with different cancers can expect when using Salicinium.

General Effects:

Immune System efforts to encapsulate the diseased cells to protect the body will sometimes cause tumors to swell. The necrosing tumor will take in water to come apart (Apoptosis). Tumors might increase in size as much as 20% in some cases, and sometimes this will allow tumors not initially visible to become visible on X-Rays or Scans.

Lung cancer:

Depending on the extent of dissemination for lung cancers, the Immune System may cause inflammation and associated swelling as the body transports all of the dying rotting material through the blood stream. This can cause fluid to accumulate in the lung cavities and impair breathing. If this occurs and is felt to be dangerous, lessen the amount per dose and get him to check in with a physician for an exam.

Prostate Cancer:

The body absorbs and assimilates all of the necrotic tissues causing swelling, pressure and possible bleeding.The necrotic material is either processed in the liver or expelled through urination. In patients able to urinate, most necrotic matter is urinated out of body. The Prostate may bleed and leak into the urethra. When this happens, the patient may experience various alarming clot formations. These will diminish in time

Patients with underlying bacterial, viral or fungal infections may also experience a Herxheimer type reaction initially. The Herxheimer Reaction is a short-term (from days to a week) detoxification reaction in the body. As the body detoxifies, it is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain, body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms.

As the Nagalase “coating” on these pathogens reveal themselves to the Immune System, the sudden “die-off” of the infectious agents may cause these flu-like symptoms in patients, especially those with compromised organs of elimination.  In other words, detoxification rates must be appropriate for the patient’s condition.

Liver Cancer:

As everything we assimilate passes through the liver, it is the main filter of the human body. With Salicinium treatment, especially in the later stages of liver cancer, liver can expel cancerous tissues that need to be removed by drip lines or agressive cleanses with colon hydrotherapy or Sauna. At any late stage of compromise with a body organ, especially the liver, major specialized care by skilled physicians may be needed. This Salicinium protocol should only be considered with that team’s permission as priorities then are obviously directed to immediate patient survival.

Brain Cancer:

Salicinium passes through the blood brain barrier allowing it to enter the cancer cells via receptors. As previously mentioned Brain tumors are able to be destroyed using Salicinium. The resulting necrotic tissue is very difficult to remove safely, however. So Physicians need to be aware of nutriceutical and natural modalities to safely enhance and detoxify the nervous system.  This OraSal protocol should be paced with the patient’s monitored physical response, as always.  Informed neurology professionals should be invoved..

Seizures can occur due to the tumor swelling. Example: An Oregon woman had (3) three brain tumors; one (1) less than 2cm and two (2) less than 1cm. After the treatment, she began having seizures ad her physician discovered that the 2cm tumor had enlarged to 2½ cm. The other had enlarged to 1¼ cm with (13) thirteen more tumors appearing in the brain.

The physician told the patient; “Your cancer’s growing faster than I’ve ever seen cancer grow before. We have to do something immediately!”

In reality, the cancer did not grow; it was enlarging. The (13) thirteen new necrosing tumors were metastases not visible before whichbecame visible on contrast scans due to the increase in size. Rather than resort to chemo, the woman continued treatment and six months later, only the largest tumor remained but the size was down to ½ cm. There was no evidence of any remaining tumors. Eventually even the largest tumor disappeared.

Ovarian, Uterine and Cervical Cancer

Salicinium/ OraSal treatment will stop the uterine cancer, but elimination of dead tissue will be unpleasant. Bleeding might include hunks of tissue and bad smell. As the body must eliminate toxic waste, treatment teams should not seek to stop this process. Rather to support the body metabolism in building new blood and healthy tissues, while helping elimination organs.

If cancer occurs also inside the peritoneal cavity as with ovarian cancermetastasis or primary sites, toxic debris in the peritoneal fluids will require other detoxification procedure available to natural medicine practitioners and students of earlier American medicine.  Obtain a Mercks manual from before the 50’s and note what was practiced before pharmceutical medicine took over.

Breast Cancer

As in other locations of cancer, when the body is expelling necrotic tissue, there might be discharges and pain. While aggressive and extensive surgical procedures are available and popular, the death of cancer cells permits actual physical healing. Using various natural lotions and cremes, scarring and pain can be minimized and the risk of metastasis lessened.

Bladder Cancer

If cancer does not affect the sphincter muscles on the bottom of the bladder some pain will occur while on the Salicinium treatment.  Avoid complete pain suppression as that pain directly signals the brain for repair. Patients will sometimes urinate blood as the cancerous tissue dies. Lesions on the bladder usually will disappear within a few weeks after treatment.

Colon Cancer

For colon cancer, up to Stage 3, Salicinium treatment can be used without any surgery. However, there are cases where colon cancer patients who are on Salicinium might need to have surgery. The judgement of the surgeon is deferred to here. Salicinium can cause fluids to be secreted from the cancerous tissue.  This fluid rinsing over irritated or injured colon tissues might cause an inflammatory situation. Use gentle demulcents like Irish Moss or Aloe Vera to assist recovery.

Pancreatic Cancer

The primary issue for this cancer is pain. When Salicinium destroys the cancer it will hurt. Lessening that pain will include understandings of enzyme chemistry and dietary methods to keep blood sugar levels stable and low.  Use of pain reducing drugs should be conservative  as that pain does keep the healing messages going from the brain.

Normal cells live by respiration and when it no longer is able to breathe properly, it will start to protect itself by changing over to the fermentation of simple sugars in the liquid part of the cell or cytoplasm. When cells are forced into hypoxia, in order to survive by fermentation, the cell instantly begins to produce Nagalase enzyme. The Nagalase enzyme travels through the Trans Golgi Network along with Lactate at approximately 7pH.

Naglase has the ability to completely shut down the localized Immune macrophage whose job is to destroy any harmed or dysfunctional cell. Salicinium when it binds to the NAD+ enzyme causes the cell to cease production of Naglase. When this happens, the Immune Macrophage will return to its original function of destroying harmed or dysfunctional cells.

As this test can demonstrate easily the amount of Nagalase in the blood, we appreciate it as an accurate way to assess the patient condition and progress.

Supplements and Treatments That Can be used in conjunction with Salicinium treatment

  1. Up to 500mg of Gluthatione per day in the same IV as Salicinium

  2. Basic Meyer’s Cocktail

  3. Hyperbaric (HBOT)

  4. EDTA Chelation can be mixed with Salicinium in same IV but has not been tested for efficacy, unknown if efficacy of Salicinium is changed due to addition of EDTA

  5. IPT/IPTLD only a sub-clinical dose of 20-25units is necessary

  6. Bi-Carbonate IV

  7. GC-Maf

  8. Amygdalin

  9. Cesium

  10. Chemotherapy

  11. Radiation

Supplements and Treatments NOT to be used with Salicinium

  1. No high dose of Vit C supplements or IV (Less than 1,000mgs per day including food intake)

  2. DeHydroAscorbic Acid

  3. Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy (H2O2) orally or IV

  4. Ozone sufflation, injection or I.V.

  5. Colonics with Ozone

  6. DCA (Dichloracetate or Dichloracetic acid)

  7. Prolozone

  8. Artemesinin

  9. Genestein

  10. Curcumin

  11. Charcoal

  12. Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD)

  13. LP6 (Inositol Phosphate)

  14. MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)

  15. “Cell Food” or any product that involves nascent oxygen (free radical single Oxygen atom)

  16. Too many Anti-oxidants alone or in combination

Any of these will prohibit Salicinium from entering the anaerobic cell and would allow the saturation level of Salicinium to fall resulting in the production of new malignant cells.

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Once started on Salicinium / OraSal , we suggest you keep dosing regular and their systems saturated with Salicinium without interruption for best results.  Continue  this for 2 or 3 months, and then stop for exam and comparison of results.  If warranted, then do another series.


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